GEPCO Helpline List of Important Numbers 2024

GEPCO, the Gujranwala Electric Power Company, similarly plays a vital role in providing uninterrupted electricity services. If you encounter any issues with your electricity service, you can seek resolution through the GEPCO helpline

If you have any complaints regarding electricity services or Gepco online bill, you have the option to either visit the GEPCO office or get in touch with the support numbers at +92-55-9200504, +92-55-9200516, or +92-55-9200592.

GEPCO Helpline

Call the GEPCO Helpline

You can also dial the GEPCO Universal Access Number (UAN) at 118 or 055-9200519 to register your complaint. Ensure you provide specific details about the issue, your account information, and contact details during the call.

Visit the GEPCO Website

Access the GEPCO website and utilize their online complaint registration system to formally lodge your complaint. Fill out the complaint form with all necessary details to ensure a swift response from the GEPCO team.

Seek In-Person Assistance

If you favor face-to-face interaction, visit the GEPCO offices or customer service centers in your vicinity. Explain your complaint to the staff and provide any necessary supporting documentation for a more efficient resolution.


After registering your complaint through any of the above methods, be sure to follow up with the GEPCO Helpline to inquire about the status of your complaint. You can do this by calling the helpline, sending a follow-up email, or visiting their offices for an update on the progress of the resolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

To apply for the new connection you can read our detailed guide on Gepco new connection.

You can check your Gepco bill online by visiting the Gepco Online Bill website and entering your 14-digit reference number. You can also download, print, or pay your bill online through this website.

You can also call the GEPCO helpline at 118 or fill out the complaint registration form on the GEPCO website.